A stroke is a condition in which blood stops flowing to a part of the brain.
This causes damage to brain cells.
The symptoms/ effects of a stroke depend on the part and amount of brain that is damaged.
Ischemic: This is caused by a blockage in a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain.
The blockage can be caused by a blood clot or by build-up of plaque inside wall of the blood vessel that supplies the brain [artery].
Ischemic stroke is the commonest kind of stroke seen in India.
Hemorrhagic: This occurs when an artery in the brain breaks open.
The blood flow to that part of the brain is interrupted, and the bleeding causes damage to brain cells.
Transient ischemic attack (TIA): This occurs when a small clot that blocks an artery temporarily.
Symptoms of TIA last from few minutes to usually less than an hour.
It is sometimes called warning stroke or mini-stroke because it is an important warning that a more serious stroke may occur soon.
Strokes can be mild, moderate or severe.
Severity depends on factors such as
Stroke symptoms occur suddenly. The commonest symptoms are :
Other symptoms may occur, like
Yes, the symptoms of stroke can be recognized by remembering the commonest symptoms.
You can recognize stroke by familiarizing yourself with any of these acronyms:
F- Face : is it drooping
A-Arms: can you raise both
S-Speech: is it slurred or is the person unable to speak
T-Time: don’t waste time. Seek immediate specialist care
This involves
(a) Immediate Therapy
(b) Prevention
(c) Rehabilitation
Immediate Therapy
Ischemic Stroke:
Treatment for stroke is very time-dependent.
It is important that your reach a hospital AS SOON AS POSSIBLE once stroke symptoms occur.
Clots can be removed in two ways
Treatment is based upon whether there are brain cells that can be saved- and this depends to a large degree on how early you reach the hospital.
Hemorrhagic Stroke:
Type of stroke cannot be recognized without a scan of your brain.
Symptoms of ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke are similar. Therefore- it is important that you reach the hospital as soon as possible.
Treatment of hemorrhage involves early control of blood pressure to reduce the bleeding.
If the bleeding is very large, surgery may be required to avoid pressure on the normal part of brain.
Links to Resources
Stroke Risk Calculators